Mark Llobrera

Recovering the Classics

Cover of Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
Cover by Alex Morris for Recovering the Classics

A recent post by Robin Rendle referenced a passage from Madame Bovary, which I have never read.1 That reminded me of a design project to give classic literature new covers, sending me into a bit of a Pinboard rabbit hole. A quick search of my bookmarks turned up nothing, but a DuckDuckGo search led me to Recovering the Classics.2 I wasn’t too pleased with the Project Gutenberg version of the book, so I paid for the RtC ePub version which in addition to a unique cover also came with new formatting. As a bonus the site takes Apple Pay.3

  1. I’ve had a mental note to read it for a while, after a conversation with a former colleague where they talked about how our appreciation of books is colored by the season of life we’re in when we read them. ↩︎

  2. It turns out I did have it bookmarked, from way back in 2014. But I didn’t have it tagged, which made the bookmark useless. This is a frequent occurrence in my life. ↩︎

  3. In the last year I’ve probably encountered Apple Pay on the web a total of three times. ↩︎